Derek Reynolds

Labour Market Insights Infographics

A series of infographics that complement blog posts by researchers at the Diversity Institute and Future Skills Centre.


As part of the research blog series at the Diversity Institute and the Future Skills Centre on Labour Market Insights, researchers wanted to create an infographic to accompany each of the posts to increase their shareability, make it easier to learn a few key takeaways, and encourage viewers to read the full post.

Design Process

  • Created data visualizations that leveraged key research points and utilized available imagery.
  • Emphasized and updated titles and headings in collaboration with the researchers, to ensure stronger visual identity and audience engagement.

Solution and Results

  • Developed graphics in English and French to complement the final published blogs and for use in social media promotion.
  • Created modular graphic options for each data point to maximize shareability.
  • Over 1200 page views of the blogs to date.